6 Tips for Writing Great Content

You already know how important content is for communicating your message, getting traffic and making sales. But you might be overlooking a few things that make your content truly great so here are 6 tips for writing great content.

Writing Tips1. Write for your readers, NOT for the search engines. Sometimes we get so caught up in optimizing our content for SEO that we forget we’re really writing for our readers and not Google. Create content that is useful for people, that helps them, educates them and entertains them. Make SEO your second priority in writing your content, not your first. Otherwise, your traffic isn’t going to get past your second paragraph before they’re closing your site and moving on to someone else’s.


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Section 321: How to Avoid US Import Tariffs

Sourced From: https://homebusinessmag.com/money/taxing-times/section-321-avoid-us-import-tariffs/

Since the inception of the online landscape, the number of e-commerce businesses across the country has increased exponentially.

Many of these have filled a need in the market by finding overseas goods that are of interest to American consumers, importing them, and selling them on for a profit.

And let’s face it — it is an incredibly effective business model.

By pursuing overseas goods, you can find products that are yet to hit the American markets. This alone creates a point of difference between you and any other businesses in the area.

Moreover, these same products are often of a high quality and can be obtained at an extremely low price point.

As such, this method of business has become one of the most effective ways for US citizens to create a viable income using nothing more than a laptop, an internet connection, and some ingenuity.

However, things have recently started to change.


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Telelanguage.com are Hiring Stay-At-Home Transcribers, Interpreters and Call Center Agents

Sourced From: http://incomebooster.org/telelanguage-com-are-hiring-stay-at-home-transcribers-interpreters-and-call-center-agents/

While there are more and more companies that try to explore additional earning opportunities by extending their services to international countries; it’s the countries that manage to use benefits of modern technology and skilled bilingual workers become successful even in the remotest parts of the world.

The globalization of business has created new job titles and opened new extra income opportunities for people, who are either fluent in other languages besides English or is comfortable in working from home by doing such jobs as transcription or call centre support.

Today we would like to review an employer, who has several job positions in the abovementioned fields.

What is Telelanguage.com?

Telelanguage is an Oregon-based company, which specializes in providing a wide array of services, including transcription, interpretation and document translation.


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Getting Your Digital Life Organized With @Evernote

Sourced From: http://www.momeomagazine.com/getting-your-digital-life-organized-with-evernote/

Digital clutter is a problem. It didn’t use to be a problem because we never used to spend as much time online as we do now. But between the hours spent on social media and reading our favourite blogs or news sites, we tend to accumulate quite a bit of digital clutter in the form of open browser tabs, bookmarked pages, and saved articles and links.

EvernoteIf you are like me, the system you use to track the interesting articles you’d like to read later is to either: a) bookmark it (and therefore, clutter up your web browser bookmarking feature making it utterly useless) or b) leave the aforementioned interesting article open in a tab (making your laptop hopelessly slow and your web browser almost impossible to navigate).

That’s why I FINALLY started using Evernote!

An early adopter to this digital organizer I am not, but an enthusiastic one, I definitely am! For the 3 people on the internet who haven’t heard of Evernote, it’s basically a digital clipping tool that lets you save all that digital clutter in an organized manner.


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10 Alternative Affiliate Networks to Clickbank

Sourced From: https://www.affilorama.com/blog/alternatives-to-clickbank

If you’ve listened to much of my training when it comes to showing you how to find affiliate products to promote quite often I personally refer to the Clickbank Marketplace. The reason I do this is because Clickbank approves virtually everyone (unless you are from Nigeria or some other country outside their approval zones), and they have an amazing selection of products to promote with high commissions.

The other reasons are because most of the money that I make comes from Clickbank and also because they are extremely reliable with their on-time payments, and I’ve built up a good relationship with them over the years.


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Work from Home Telephone Data Collectors

Sourced From: https://ratracerebellion.com/work-from-home-telephone-data-collectors-2/

Telephone OperatorWestat is recruiting again for part-time at-home Telephone Data Collectors. No college required, no state hiring restrictions mentioned. These jobs don’t come up often, so you may want to apply or share quickly if interested.

Pay: According to several RRRebels who have applied, pay starts at $9/hr or your state’s minimum wage.

According to reviews on Glassdoor, the pay is around $11.97/hr., but that isn’t official. Employee review rating cluster between 2.9 and 3.7 stars out of 5.

Here’s what the company has posted about this opportunity:

“We are seeking at-home telephone data collectors to conduct phone interviews for a national Health study. Future project assignments will include a variety of subjects, such as education, the environment, health and transportation.


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How Do You Make 100k per Year in IM?

How Do You Make $100k per Year in IM?I’ve mentioned this before on another platform, but since I recently saw this in a marketing video I thought I might share it here with you as well as so many people are asking  how do you make 100k per year in IM?

New marketers tend to get completely overwhelmed by the 100 and one things they need to do (or think they need to do) to be successful online.

Sometimes it’s easier to simply break it down to the simple, and so I want to break down for you what it takes to make 100k per year in IM, or as an information marketer on the Internet.

As you know, there are many different product forms you can choose from. You can sell ebooks, audio recordings, videos, webinars, seminars, e-classes, memberships and so forth. And of course, you choose what you will charge.


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Cyberdictate.com Offers Jobs for Legal Transcribers on Stay-At-Home Basis

Sourced From: http://incomebooster.org/cyberdictate-com-offers-jobs-for-legal-transcribers-on-stay-at-home-basis/

Working on a stay-at-home basis provides flexibility and as a form of employment is regularly chosen by young parents, students or professionals, who enjoy making the most of their time by managing their schedule efficiently. But, even with so many outsourced jobs out there, finding a good position is not always easy.

transcriptionThe main reason is that the demand in the international job market is constantly changing and every job seeker can easily notice how sometimes the demand shifts from one sphere to the other. So all job seekers, who chose to work on the stay-at-home basis should be ready for constant professional development and learning new professions in order to take up Internet-based jobs.

Transcription is one of such jobs, as it is very popular among various employers, who need their audio media converted into a more convenient, text form. Let’s briefly take a look at one of the newest employers, who is hiring transcribers in the legal field.


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How to Travel Full Time With Your Family!

Sourced From: https://modernwahm.com/how-to-travel-full-time/

Do you ever wake up and forget where you are for a moment? That happens to me often because I’m always waking up in new places!

Hey, I’m Megan, and my family of six has been travelling full-time for the past two years. We work remotely, homeschool (or “road school”) our kids, and explore a new city every month!

Nope, we’re not “travel influencers”, and we sure aren’t rich. But we discovered how any regular family can afford to travel full-time, and today I’m sharing our secrets with you!


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Become A ‘Wi-Fi’ Millionaire (from your home office)

Sourced From: http://homeofficewomen.com/2017/02/22/become-a-wi-fi-millionaire/

wifiWhat if you could make a FULL-TIME income, working part-time, anywhere in the world, or even work from your home office?

Think about that.

With just a computer, a wifi connection, and a desire to succeed, you could make more money than the average lawyer while only working three or four hours a day.

Sounds a bit outrageous, but once you read this book, you’ll understand how it’s possible.

I’m talking about…


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