How To Make Passive Income From Domain Parking

Domain ParkingHave you ever wondered what in the world domain parking is and how do you do it? This is simply a way of generating some extra income from a domain name that you haven’t gotten around to putting a website up on. Or you can actually use this technique to make money online, the choice is yours.

For either option, parking a domain name until you’re ready to set up your website, or making money by parking your domain as your primary business, you will approach it in the same way.

Step one is to find a good company where you can park your domain. These sites will act as the middle man and will place all the ads on your parked site. They will also take care of lining up the advertisers and issuing your check, so make sure the company you choose has a good reputation.


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Balancing Your Working From Home Business

Balancing Your Work For The Home Based BusinessWith so many young people trying to work from home on the Internet it is amazing just how many of them really do not have the slightest idea of the workload they have got themselves into.

Many of these people did not even sit down and assess what it is that they see as reasonable personal goal. This is a huge mistake on their part. You must know what you want in order to find a way to obtain it. It must be clear to everyone willing to jump into the Internet marketing world; if you are not sure whether or not you have the drive and a willingness to succeed you might want to save yourself some time, money and much aggravation of a working from home business .

It is easy to desire something, and you may think you know how to get it, but there is this little issue about dedication and determination, do you have it? Why put yourself through the troubles of failing and wondering exactly where you went wrong.


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Work at Home Moms Become EBay Sellers

ebay sellersMoms that want to work from home can make a remarkable amount of money as an eBay seller. What you might think is junk is someone else’s treasure. You can sell used goods or you can set up your own online store and sell new products. Using drop ship companies for selling on eBay allows you to place the items online at your store and when orders are taken, the drop ship company sends out the order after you confirm payment. There is nothing more rewarding than sitting back waiting for sales to come.

Setting up the online store is easier than one thinks. First you must find a drop ship company if you plane to sell new items. You will find many companies that do this type of business, but you should check around and find the best one. You will have to spend some time promoting your business, but after you do, and have some sales with positive feedback, you should see an increase in your sales and earnings. Promotion is the only way to start your own eBay sellers business.


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You Can Create A Successful EBook

Create A Successful EbookYour Ebook deserves to be seen by everyone in your niche but unless you have an effective internet marketing strategy no one will ever know about it. The difference between your Ebook being great and being successful is your ability to get it in front of the people.

Once you have the Ebook completed and to your high expectations the battle is only half over. The rest of your work now is finding how to market it online. You could outsource that but once you realize how simple and cost effectively your Ebook can be marketed you’ll want to do it yourself.

The best thing that you can do to create a successful Ebook is make sure that it is the best that it can be. Make sure that your ideas are crisp and clear, that it is error free grammatically and everything is spelled correctly. Also ensure that all illustrations help understanding the points you are making, and that it is pleasing to the eye. It is easy for bad illustrations to become a distraction so make sure they are done well.

If you need get people to review and critique it for you and that you take their advice seriously. The better your product is, the more excitement will be created around it. Strive for excellence and people will strive to get what you offer them.


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Guide to Setting Up a Music Lessons Business

Music Lesson BusinessIf you’re looking for a side business to do and you’re particularly good at playing an instrument or multiple instruments, then why not consider becoming a music teacher on the side? You can go to people’s homes, have them come to your home, or if you have access to another space to use you can have people come there.

You might be wondering how to even get started in the music lesson business. One key thing is to be organized. Follow these five easy tips to get your music lesson side business off the ground and you’ll be very pleased with the outcome.

1. Advertise

You have to let people know that you’re available for music lessons. Your clientele is most likely going to be children; therefore you need to focus on parents and where they’ll be. You can take out an ad in a newspaper, start a Facebook page for your music lessons business, and make up flyers and put them in people’s mailboxes, doors, or cars, or at the grocery store.


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A Brief History of Podcasting

PodcastingEver wonder about the evolution of the podcast? While podcasting is a comparatively young technology it still has a rather fascinating albeit brief history. The background of the word, “podcast” is quite fascinating and is reflective of the dynamic nature of the Internet community.

Podcasting is a term that was only coined in 2004, combining two words: iPod and broadcasting. Ironically, this definition is somewhat of a misnomer since neither component is completely accurate. Neither podcasting nor listening to podcasts requires an iPod or other portable player. In fact, podcasts can be listened to on any mp3 enabled device including a desktop computer. The name association came about simply because Apple Computer’s iPod was the best-selling portable digital audio player when podcasting began. What’s more, no over-the-air broadcasting is required either.


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What NOT To Name Your Website

What NOT To Name Your WebsiteIt’s come to my attention that not everyone is paying close attention when they choose a website name and URL. Remember, just because words make sense when there is a space in between each word does not necessarily mean they will make the same sense without those spaces. In fact, your original meaning can become completely lost, and what you’re left with is a sad misunderstanding at best or some really annoyed people who never click your link at worst.

Here are some examples, and yes, these are 100% REAL and online right now…

Adams Extract

Who Represents

Speed Of Art

Pen Island

Go Tahoe (Since changed to – is that any better??)


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7 Methods of Getting Free Traffic for Your Blog

7 Methods of Getting Free Traffic for Your BlogSo you’ve set up your blog and you’ve got several posts – and no readers. Now what? Here are 7 methods of getting free traffic to your blog in no time…

1. Facebook Fan Pages. You can set up a Fan Page for your blog in about a minute – ten minutes if you’re hunting for a photo and just the right thing to say. It’s simple, easy and free, and here’s my favorite part: Once people become fans of your blog they’ll be able to see your blog updates when they’re on Facebook. Plus, when they like your blog, their friends see that and check out your blog, too. Some of them ‘like’ it, and their friends check out your blog, and so forth.

2. Twitter. Yes, just about everyone seems to be either on Twitter or joining, so go ahead and set up a Twitter account just for your blog. Again, it’ll take you a whopping 2 to 3 minutes. Make a few interesting Tweets, and then begin adding followers. Use one of the many Twitter add-ons to schedule your tweets to run around the clock, mixing them up and always making them interesting. Tweet each time you make a new blog post, and be sure to use your blog’s URL in your profile. Ask others to retweet you, continue to build your followers, and you’ll be driving traffic to your blog in no time.


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Are You a Success?

Are You a Success?You’re only as successful as your performance today. Know why? Because the better your productivity, the more you get done. And the more you get done, the faster your business grows. Not to mention the fact that if you can get all of your work done in 6 hours instead of 12, you now have 6 more hours in which you can either play or grow your business even larger.

No matter what you’re doing, if you’re productive you’re not only building your business – you’re also gaining confidence. And studies show you’re also happier. After all, what feels better – relaxing at the end of a day in which you accomplished nothing, or a day in which you did everything you set out to do?

One more thing about being productive – the faster you get a task done, the more likely you are to want to do that task again. For example, if it takes you 3 hours to write one article, the next time you want to write an article you’re going to be sorely tempted to procrastinate because you remember what a long, tedious, arduous process it was for you last time. But if you can crank out an excellent article in 15 minutes, then the next time you write an article you’ll be enthusiastic and ready to jump in with both feet.


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10 Of The Best Career Books 2020

Best Career BooksSourced From:

I love a good book. Growing up, my mom was an avid reader. She always let me pick out one book every time we went to Barnes and Noble or Books A Million. (These are still some of my favourite memories!).

This instilled a love of reading in me that still carries on today. I typically gravitate toward self-help titles and reference materials but am also known to enjoy a Reese Witherspoon book club pick.

Today, as a Certified Professional Career Coach (CPCC), I’m quick to recommend certain titles to my clients based on their current career needs. I truly believe every person reads a book differently and can find unique takeaways that help them get ‘unstuck.’

So, what books in my repertoire do I repeatedly recommend in 2020?

Here are 10 of the best career books in 2020 under (and they’re all under 20 bucks!).


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