Should You Be in the Internet Marketing Niche?

Internet Marketing NicheIf you’ve come online to earn a living, one of the first and most basic questions you’ll have to answer to is which niche you want to be in. From that point, you’ll be deciding on which business models you want to pursue, but niche comes first.

You’re never relegated to just one niche, so set those worries aside when you start thinking about whether you’ll pick the wrong niche. You can have one or ten if you want – it all depends on what you can handle.

But in terms of the Internet marketing niche, this is the one niche that gets the most scrutiny. And oddly, most newbies steer clear of it when it’s actually one of the main niches they should pursue.

Their fear stems from the fact that they’re new. They have no experience. They have no proof of success. So how can they possibly launch a site claiming to help others with no track record to point to?

Yet many will go into other niches they have no success in without hesitation. They’ll set up weight loss sites, pet sites or relationship sites without even giving experience and success a second thought.

Here’s why you should be launching a site in the Internet marketing niche. You’ll be in this niche long-term, if online entrepreneurial efforts are what you’re pursuing. It’s not something you have to worry about abandoning like you might the other niches.

You’ll be forcing yourself to get educated about every aspect of the niche topic – such as sales copy, WordPress set up, niche selection, keyword usage, search engine optimization and more.

Those are topics you can then share with your own audience as you implement tips and see what works and what doesn’t – even going so far as to put your own spin on the ideas to show how it works for you.

When you use a tool such as a keyword tool or plugin or even a course or software, you can then grab your affiliate link and show it in action, touting all of the cool features and benefits you love about it.

So this is a journey you’ve decided to be on. Doesn’t it make sense to reach back help others who are on a lower rung on the ladder of success than you are? They’ll appreciate learning from someone who is one or two steps ahead of them – it’s less intimidating than learning from a 7-figure guru who doesn’t have time for them.

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