Your Knowledge Has Value – Make Up to $7,500 Monthly as a Tutor With Studypool, No Exp. Necessary

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by Chris Durst        Sep. 30, 2020

tutoringWhether you’re an experienced tutor OR you have no tutoring experience but are confident you’d be great at it, Studypool needs and wants you!

That’s right — Studypool understands that KNOWLEDGE and the ability to assist others do not always stem from job experience! We’re doing this sponsored post to make sure all of our RRRebels can learn about and share this opportunity.

Studypool is an online education platform that helps students all over the world with their studies. With over 10 million students and 50k tutors, Studypool is one of the most popular online tutoring services. It’s been featured by Forbes, Nasdaq, and Dave Ramsey as a great way for people to make money. Especially now during the coronavirus, Studypool is an amazing way for tutors to make up to 6 figures working from home.


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How to Add 836 Million Potential Readers To Your Website or Blog

How to Add 836 Million Potential ReadersTranslate your website into another language to attract more readers. English is a very common language, but Mandarin Chinese is even more common – to the tune of 836 million people (or more, depending on which source you use.)

And you might want to consider other languages, too, such as…

Hindi (333 million)

Spanish (332 million)

English (322 million)

Bengali (189 million)

Arabic (186 million)

Russian (170 million)

Portuguese (170 million)

Japanese (125 million)

German (98 million)

French (72 million)

And it gets even more interesting. What percentage of online shoppers speak English? Probably 80-90%, right?


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8 Email Marketing Mistakes That Cost You Sales and Subscribers

8 Email marketing mistakes that cost you sales and subscribers – Number 1.Being boring.

email marketingI’m placing this at number one because it’s the biggest mistake of all and I want you to remember it. After you write your email, reread it. If it bores you, just imagine what it will do to your readers. Be compelling, be interesting, be funny, be passionate, be crazy – in short, be ANYTHING but boring.


Number 2. Burying your message.

In journalism they call it burying the lead – that is, hiding the most important information deep inside your email instead of placing it at the top.


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Making Your Marketing Message Conform to Your Customers Point Of View

Consumers fall into two basic groups; optimists and pessimists. And while most people will tell you they’re optimists, very often it’s their wishful thinking talking and not reality.

marketing messageYour marketing message – and especially your slogan – can have a profound effect on your prospect’s receptivity to your product. And if that message or slogan doesn’t match their mindset, you’ve likely lost the sale or will have to work much harder to get the sale.

So how do you market specifically to optimists or pessimists? By tailoring your message to suit the way they think.

For example, if your product is toothpaste and the bulk of your customers are optimists, your tagline might be – “Whiter teeth and fresher breath.” But if your customers are pessimists, you’ll want something completely different, such as – “Prevents cavities and gingivitis.”


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How To Find A Remote Job When You’ve Never Worked Remotely Before

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Remote work is more common now than ever before. An estimated 4.3 million people in the US work remotely — and that was BEFORE the start of the pandemic.

Even still, not everyone has a job that is remote-friendly. For example, service workers, tradesmen, construction workers, first responders, and many other professions are traditionally in person.

Jobs From HomeIf you’re a server at a restaurant or bartender, it’s impossible to do these jobs remotely. Similarly, if you’re a welder or electrician, you can’t exactly telecommute.

But that doesn’t mean if you work a traditional in-office or on-location job you can’t transition to telecommuter.

In fact, as a remote work career coach, I regularly help job seekers do just that! Many aspiring remote workers want to ditch their out-of-the-house job for a more remote-friendly position.

Here’s what I advise them to make the transition as easy as possible.


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How to Remember Your Passwords

This is a really simple trick for remembering your passwords – choose a keyword, key phrase or key pattern and then modify it for each password.

passwordsFor example, if your keyword is “bigrat” and you’re creating a password for Amazon, your new password is “bigratama” or “bigratamazon.” If you’re creating a password for Gmail, it would be “bigratgma” or “bigratgmail.”

You determine how many characters you use from each website and then stick with that number. In the Amazon examples, if your number is 3 then you would use the first password – if your number is 6, then use the second one.

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Is Your Website LOSING You Business?

Did you know that promoting too many different categories of products or services from one website can result in fewer sales? Maybe microsites are the answer.

Is Your Website LOSING You BusinessLet’s say you have an SEO service, a website building service and a Facebook page service. Someone comes to your website looking to get a professional Facebook page built for their business and finds all kinds of info on website building and SEO. He leaves.

Next, he goes to a website that offers JUST Facebook pages. He buys.

What happened? Your website didn’t cater specifically to what he was looking for, so he kept searching until he found a website that did.

Solution? If you sell distinctly different services or products, you might want to consider building microsites for each one.


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It’s Time for Amazing Creativity in How We Approach Our Life’s Work

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It is a new month. We are into September, back to school, Labor Day, back to work after the summer — there are so many traditional markers this time of year. In fact, if you look at some of the stores you go to, they have Halloween candy out for sale already.

business ideasTraditions are good and they connect us to the past, to memories, experiences, family, and friends. Good times and maybe not so good, too.

Although our connections to the past and to traditions are good, they keep us stuck. COVID-19 keeps us stuck. The conversations and the narratives do not seem to change. Each day the news gets worse, there are more cases, tempers flare, and anxiety issues are up.

Yes, there are many of us going through the wringer right about now. Uncertainty about our businesses, our work, safety, the kids going to school… will the NFL season happen or not? Okay, maybe the NFL is not such a big issue in the big scheme of things.


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6 Biggest Mistakes Remote Job Seekers Make (And What To Do Instead)

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Job search mistakes happen. You don’t do them on purpose but they’re harmful nonetheless.

online job searchAs a Certified Professional Career Coach that specializes in remote work, I regularly guide lost job seekers. Too often, they come to me after they’ve tried (and failed) to find remote work on their own.

Sound familiar?

If so, you might be making these remote job search mistakes. Don’t worry, once you know what they are, you can easily fix them. The sooner you do, the easier your remote job search becomes.

1. They Don’t Focus Their Search

There are a lot of benefits to remote work. Time and money saved are just two of the obvious ones. But, don’t forget about the all-important ‘happiness factor.’ That is, studies repeatedly show that remote workers = happier workers. I didn’t name this blog Work From Home Happiness for nothing! It’s no wonder, then, job seekers want to kick their cubicles to the curb — and fast.


Continue Reading is Internationally Hiring Stay-At-Home Tutors and Academic Advisors

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Modernization, automation and introduction of progressive technologies – all these actions are intended to make every aspect of human life more comfortable and efficient.

TutorNew technology has enabled humanity to get extra benefits for their life and made it more convenient and comfortable. But the development of various technologies has also helped various businesses function more efficiently and get more things done in shorter periods of time.

Let’s look, for example, at the Internet. It has helped companies all over the world to exchange information faster, gain access to new target audience, etc. But we, as basic users, use this technology to interact with each other, get access to unlimited information from all over the world and even learn.

By the way, speaking of learning, the companies that work in the educational niche, are trying to put technology to use by presenting new remote educational services. Now you can gain access to college courses online, find an Internet-based tutor or even make money by being such a tutor. Here is how it works.


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