8 Ways to Beat Blogger’s (or Writer’s) Block

writers blockI like to write. Heck, to be honest, I LOVE to write. Yet sometimes I hate it as well – like when I HAVE to write another newsletter and I’m thinking I just don’t know what to say. Don’t you just hate writers block?

That’s why I like to find ideas that jog me into writing, and I share them with you here. Because I know if I sometimes have trouble writing, then those who aren’t that fond of putting words to paper must sometimes prefer to get a root canal than write another article or blog post. So take heart, here are 8 suggestions that should get your typing fingers flying and your blog readers happy they stopped by your site.


1. Be impulsive.

If you write on a frequent basis, then there should be a part of your brain that’s always on the lookout for ideas, rants, complaints, laughs, etc. When inspiration strikes, WRITE. Yes, right then and there. If you can’t, then at least make lots of notes for later, and at the first available chance sit down and type it out. You can always polish it up later.


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6 Science-Backed Strategies That Benefit Your Remote Job Search

Sourced From: https://workfromhomehappiness.com/6-science-backed-strategies-that-benefit-your-remote-job-search/

Being unemployed is hard. For many job seekers, it can be downright isolating. This is especially true for remote job seekers whose connection to recruiters and hiring managers is entirely virtual. Plus, studies show the unemployed have impaired mental health and lower self-esteem.

Job SearchNeedless to say, it can be draining to tie your self worth to your job search. Often, it takes days if not weeks and months to hear back from jobs you’ve applied to (if you ever hear back at all). Add that to the lack of in-person connections and daily routine and, well, it can be a recipe for self-isolated disaster.

But, fear not! As a career coach, I work with remote job seekers to implement science-backed strategies to help build much-needed momentum when unemployed.

1. Wake Up Early.

When you don’t have a job, why wake up early? For starters, an early start gives you a sense of purpose that goes missing when unemployed. Also, most recruiters and hiring managers start their own days at 9:00 a.m. sharp. You want to be readily available to take their calls.


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5 Keys to a Money Making Online Business

online marketing businessWe’re always trying to over complicate things, aren’t we? Making things appear more difficult than they really are. Why is that?

The other day I saw a break down of the 7 things you need to build your online marketing business, which was 2 more than you really need.

Here’s my list: Network, List Build, Focus, Take Action, Produce. That’s right, just 5 things.

So let’s break each one down to it’s simplest form:


Make friends with other marketers in your niche, whatever that niche might be. When you need help (such as promotion) call on them. Help them out when they need it.


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Is Social Media Gaining You New Customers?

Or Just Wasting Your Time?

More and more I’m seeing that there is a “trick” to social media, and it’s not to bombard people with a plethora of content. Rather, it’s to use specially crafted content designed to lure a customer in and get them at least one step closer to becoming your customer.

Social MediaHave you ever gone fishing? What’s the secret to becoming a great fisherman or fisherwoman? It’s not blanketing the water with bait. Sure the fish will consume it, but if it’s got no hook, how are you going to reel them into the boat?

Instead, the secret lies in using the right bait on the right hook AND knowing what to do when you get the nibble – that is, setting the hook before the fish gets away.

So what’s your bait in social media? It’s helping the person to solve a problem. Think about this – you’ve got a problem and it’s causing you stress, perhaps making you lose money, lose sleep, or just plain irritate you. You don’t know what to do. You begin searching the Internet for answers, but nothing seems to fit until you run across a person on Facebook / LinkedIn / Twitter, etc. who claims to know something about your challenge. You provide a few details and ask him or her what to do and BOOM! They give you a solution that HOT-DIGGITY-DOG actually WORKS!


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The 6 Worst Affiliate Mistakes You’re Making

You don’t have your own product yet and you want to make some money promoting affiliate products. But if you promote affiliate products via email, there is a better than even chance that you are making at least one of these worst affiliate mistakes and it’s costing you money. Imagine if every time you promote a product, you make more money with no more effort because you stop making these mistakes – wouldn’t that be worth exploring?

Affiliate1. Promoting A Product Without Knowing Much About It

Just because other people are promoting a product doesn’t necessarily mean that you should, too. If you don’t know what it is that you’re selling, it makes sense that you’re going to do a lousy job of promoting it. “Hey, buy this product because other people are buying it so it must be good.” What kind of a recommendation is that?

That’s why you want to either get a review copy from the merchant prior to launch or buy the product yourself. Then spend time actually using the product. Pick out 3 to 5 things you love about it and highlight these in your promotion.


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Easy Solutions to Homeschool and Work Full Time

Sourced From: https://modernwahm.com/homeschool-and-work-full-time/

Easy solutions to homeschool and work full time to give you complete flexibility

Looking for easy solutions to homeschool and work full time? Start here and create a block schedule, find clever childcare for younger children, use all-in-one free resources, use a big picture approach for home education, and find like-minded encouragement!

How to homeschool and work at home full time

You deserve a night alone with a pizza and a bottle of wine.

Just the fact that you are interested in homeschooling and working full time means you deserve all of that and more. Go ahead! Throw in a carton of ice cream.

I’m not kidding. Homeschooling and working is not for the faint of heart.


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Are You a “Fast Clicker?” Work From Home in 2-Hour Increments as a Dialer Monitor, $15/Hr

Sourced From: https://ratracerebellion.com/are-you-a-fast-clicker-work-from-home-in-2-hour-increments-as-a-dialer-monitor-15-hr/

We just learned about GetThru – makers of ThruTalk and ThruText technology that helps clients to reach people on their cell phones. The company has posted openings for Part-Time Dialer Monitors.

home dialerThe role involves clicking on numbers at lightning speed when they pop up on your screen, and the company admits that it can get intense. That’s why they limit the shifts to two hours.

  • Work from anywhere in the US that has an excellent internet connection.
  • Pay is $15/hour a there are some benefits.

NOTE: The company has roots in politics so I’ll take this moment to remind all of our readers that this is a job listing, not a political statement. At RRR, we find work from home jobs, we screen work from home jobs, we post work from home jobs… if a particular job is not right for you, there are others that might be a better fit.

Here’s what the company has posted about this opportunity:


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Home Automation Ideas That Make Life Easier

Sourced From: https://homebusinessmag.com/lifestyles/home-improvement/home-automation-ideas-make-life-easier/

Home AutomationToday I want to make your life easier by introducing you to some of the best home automation ideas for a simple life. We all live a hectic lifestyle, so any way we can make it easier is always welcomed.

If you’re looking to make your life easier with home automation, then stick around. I’ve got all the devices you need in your life.

Home Automation Ideas

Several home automation ideas can help you in the garden, home, or add extra home security. Below I’m going to list some top ideas to get you going in your home automation journey:


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9 Great Tips for Better Business Blogging

Blogging can be a great way to position yourself as an authority and create customer loyalty – if you’re willing to devote the time necessary. Read on for 9 great tips for better business blogging.

1. Forgo the advertorial dribble. Decades ago some bright entrepreneur realized that if he wrote his sales copy to look like an editorial, he’d get more readers and more sales. Thus we entered into the age of the “advertorial,” and it still works in print publications. Where it does NOT work well is on your blog.

Better Business BloggingYes, by all means, advertise your products and services on your website, but don’t be devious about it. Don’t make it look like an article when it’s really a self-promotion – it annoys your readers and makes them feel let down when you’ve got them thinking they’re going to learn something new, only to discover they’ve got to pay to get it.

Thus, do not title your blog post, “Revealed: 35 Ways to Drive Traffic” and then reveal nothing about driving traffic except the order link to your new product. Instead, title your blog post, “Revealed: 5 Ways to Drive Traffic,” and then GIVE them the 5 ways. At the end, let them know that if they’re interested, you reveal 30 additional methods inside your product and give them the link. They’ll respect you for this, and because you’ve given them good information and demonstrated that you know what you’re talking about, it will actually INCREASE your sales.


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Pinterest Update 2020 (Latest Pinterest Changes for Bloggers and Business)

Sourced From: https://anastasiablogger.com/blogging/pinterest-update/

PinterestI think I know why you are on this page… A new Pinterest update 2020 just happened, some algorithm or interface changes seem to be occurring as we speak, and your traffic is either going down or up (lucky you if it’s the latter!).  I created this page because I got tired of replying over and over to similar questions I receive from my students about the latest Pinterest update (s).

I plan to update this page fairly frequently – as soon as something significant happens on Pinterest, you’ll be the first one to know about it from this post. So SAVE THIS PIN to your Pinterest Marketing board for later.

If you use Pinterest for marketing your products or you are a blogger and drive traffic from this platform, you probably know by now that algorithm updates and major interface changes happen on Pinterest so often that people are getting confused by what is the most recent or new update, what happened just a month ago.


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