Content Advice from Ernest Hemingway

Content Advice from Ernest HemingwayErnest Hemingway began his writing career as a reporter for the Kansas City Star. When we won a Nobel Prize years later, he credited his success at writing to what he learned from his cub reporter’s style book, namely:

Content advice from Ernest Hemingway

  1. Use short sentences – Easier to read, easier to understand, easier to capture the interest of people with short attention spans.
  1. Use short first paragraphs – Today it would be advisable to make most if not all of your paragraphs short.
  1. Use vigorous English – Use active, energetic, bold words rather than a meek, passive voice. For example, “We’re breathlessly racing to the finish line” rather than “We’re on our way to the finish line.”


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How To Make $300 to $800 a Day

How To Make $300 to $800 a DayBy NOT Hijacking YouTube Videos

You’ve likely heard of a technique called YouTube Traffic Hijacking. In a nutshell, it’s finding YouTube videos that get a lot of views but don’t display a URL in the more information section. You contact the video owner and offer to either buy the video outright or lease the “more info” section. You then insert your own URL that leads to a product sales page.

Pretty simple, right? This is a viable, workable business model, and it is possible to make $300 to $800 a day, but there are three catches. First, you have to FIND these videos. The videos you seek are getting hundreds of views a day and have an accumulated number of views in the six figure range, just to be sure they’ve got what it takes to continue to get more views. And they can’t already have a URL listed for more info.

Next, these can’t be just ANY videos that meet the above criteria. For example, that video of cute kittens climbing the screen door isn’t going to sell your traffic product. Maybe you can find an affiliate product that teaches how to get kittens to not tear up the screen door, but even if you do, how many sales do you think that will result in?


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How to Get Higher Converting Opt-ins

How to Get Higher Converting Opt-insWhen building an email list we tend to think the bigger the list, the better. “How can we increase the conversions on this squeeze page?” is an ultra-common question, and surprising, the WRONG question to be asking.

What’s the right question? How about, “How do I build the most RESPONSIVE mailing list?”

Please note: I invite you to test what I’m about to tell you for yourself. In fact, I always invite you to test EVERYTHING I share with you, because that way you’ll know for a fact that it applies in your own unique situation.

And if what I’m about to share stretches the bounds of credibility, it’s all the more reason why you should test, test, test.

To get higher converting opt-ins, let’s first talk about what gets people to sign up for your mailing list in the first place. After that, I’ll reveal the biggest secret I know to getting a HIGH CONVERTING mailing list that will make you more money than many lists twice and three times the size.


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Tips For Marketing Your Business On Facebook

Tips For Marketing Your Business On FacebookFor every big success story I hear about marketing on Facebook, I also hear several stories of, ‘Oh, I tried that, but it didn’t go anywhere so I gave up.” So does marketing on Facebook work? Without a doubt it does – Facebook is the most visited website in the world, and getting seen can mean a significant boost to your list building and your sales.

But the key is to have a game plan for how you’re going to build, brand and market yourself on Facebook. With that in mind, I’ve put together this list of tips to get you moving in the right direction.

  1. Create a page. Sounds simple, right? It is – the problem is marketers get confused and they start a profile instead of a page. If you want to market your business on Facebook, a profile simply won’t cut it. Pages are meant for businesses and they are much more effective at getting your message out there.

What can you do if you goofed up and you already made a profile for your business? There is a fix: By using Facebook’s migrate tool, you can switch from a profile to a page and best of all, you get to KEEP all of your followers.


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10 Ways To Earn More Money In IM

Earn More Money In Your Internet Marketing BusinessNo matter what you’re earning now, you can earn more. A lot more. Six figures is very reachable and seven figures are possible; you just have to take the right actions to get there.

  1. Get serious about making money. A lot of people have the thought that “things will fall into place” and “then I’ll be earning a lot of money.” Sorry. Things do not fall into place on their own. You’ve got to have a plan for earning money, and then you’ve got to get very busy working that plan. The only exception is winning the lottery, and you have far better odds of dying broke than you do of winning even a six figure prize in the lottery. Focusing on the money you want to earn and then working your plan for earning it is the surest way to make the money you want.


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Using Social Media Marketing In Your Business

Using Social Media Marketing In Your BusinessDo you already understand the power of social media marketing, but are still unsure how you can implement it into your business plan? Social media is always opening doors for new companies, but if you approach it incorrectly it won’t be as advantageous as you would like. You can follow this article’s advice and learn the proper way to create a standing company via quality media.

Use the questions and answer feature of LinkedIn. LinkedIn’s Q&A works like a large discussion forum: look up questions related to your products or industry and write useful answers to them. You could also post a link to one of your articles if you do not have time to write something.

While having various ads on social media sites, you should definitely have a few special deals for your business. This will give your potential buyers an incentive to click on your ad. By having specials on your ads, and only on these ads, the customers feel slightly more obligated to go there and see what your business has to offer.

Invest in ad space on Facebook or other websites. These ads are targeted towards users who have used certain keywords related to your business in their status updates. You should get a lot of targeted visitors who will learn about your products even if they do not decide to ‘like’ your page.


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How To Make Money On Craigslist

How To Make Money On CraigslistUnderstanding Craigslist So You Make Money

Every so often a new website comes along that captures the attention of the population as a whole. When this happens, you can be sure that there will be marketers, and other people interested in making money online, that will look for ways to use it to their advantage. One such site is Craigslist. There are many people who are trying to make money on Craigslist, but there are some things you can do to increase your chances of success.

Understanding what Craigslist is all about is essential if you wish to make money using it. It has been described as an internet classified ads website, but there’s more to it than that. On its surface it is a classified ads site, however, it also has a strong following and has built up a community of sorts. This community is reflected in a number of discussion groups that can found alongside the listings for employment, people seeking relationships and items for sale.

Another thing that makes Craigslist different is that it is broken down into various regions and cities, giving it a local feel. However, everybody can access any city’s listings, which means that anybody in the world can see your listing…and that brings us back to the question of how to make money on craigslist.


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20 Ways To Get People Watching Your YouTube Videos

20 Ways To Get People Watching Your YouTube VideosIn this article I will discuss  20 ways to get more people watching your YouTube videos and increasing the popularity of your YouTube channel.

  1. Create tutorial videos. These kinds of videos are good because they’re easy to make and they provide information that people need. For example, if you’re promoting a course on how to drive traffic, then talk about traffic driving methods. Impart real info, not a sales pitch. And at the end of the video, remind them to click the link below for more information.
  2. Don’t narrow your target market too much. For example, if you’re teaching people how to drive traffic, don’t make it, “How to drive traffic to an origami website.” Yes, you’ll get views from people with origami sites, but no one else.
  1. Don’t sweat the subscribers too much. It’s great to have some loyal subscribers because every time you post a video some of them will almost immediately watch and comment on the video. This gets you boosted higher in the rankings and thus more easy to find by new people who have never heard of you. They’ll leave comments, pushing you still higher in the rankings and making it even easier for people to find you. It’s your subscribers that start the ball rolling, but it’s commenters (subscribers and non-subscribers alike) who push you higher and higher in the rankings and thus get you more viewers. So while you eventually want tons of subscribers, know that even a few at the beginning will get the ball rolling.


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Online Opportunities for WAHMs

working at homeIf your interest in working at home focuses on a job that requires no phone use and no leaving the house for work, you might be looking for an online job.

What’s an online job? Basically, an online job is that which you get online, work online and that requires you only to have a computer and some other job-specific tools. Many WAHMs find that online jobs work well for them because they can work whenever and however they want and can withstand many interruptions without much problem.


One of the best -known of online jobs, eBay has made many a mum a nice income from home. You can sell any number of items on eBay, but mums often sell used baby and children clothing, custom clothing, collectables and other such items.

Selling items on eBay comes with its own set of challenges. There is shopping to be done so that you can build an inventory of things to sell, and the job requires good customer service skills. Some customers can be difficult to deal with and you don’t have the advantage of looking them in the face when dealing with them.


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Steps To Quickly Writing Ezine Articles

Steps To Quickly Writing Ezine ArticlesCome on, admit it: Whether you’re a professional writer or not we all draw a blank when we want to write an ezine article.

I’ve found an answer to that dilemma that will get you writing in no time so that you can publish your ezine articles and begin to receive that new wave of subscribers you’ve been hoping for.

Here’s how to get over that “writer’s block” if you draw a blank:

1. Write your action steps first.

Forget about the catchy headline and attractive lead paragraph for now. There’s no use in cleverly leading a reader into an article that has no real value to them. So start where you build your credibility, right in the action steps.

Of course, you want to identify your subject and then tell them how to make their lives easier. For instance, plumbers are always going to have to fix pipes, it’s the nature of their business. If you have an ezine to others in the plumbing industry, write about a new technique in the industry on sealing pipes or preparing them for the winter, etc.


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