home business

How to Become a Virtual Assistant with No Experience

Sourced From: https://workfromhomehappiness.com/how-to-become-a-virtual-assistant-with-no-experience/

So, you want to be a virtual assistant (VA) but have absolutely no experience? No problem! The truth is, you don’t need to be a veteran VA to start working as a virtual assistant. In fact, many people start from scratch and build lucrative careers.

Want to learn how to become a virtual assistant? This guide will show you the way, even if you have absolutely zero professional experience!

Keep in mind, it will take hard work. You can’t expect that if you decide to become a VA work will magically fall into your lap. However, you can become a successful VA with the right combination of dedication, determination, and enthusiasm (which should be no problem — after all, these are common traits of superstar VAs!)

Ready? Read on to learn how to become a virtual assistant with no experience.


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It’s Time for Amazing Creativity in How We Approach Our Life’s Work

Sourced From: https://homebusinessmag.com/lifestyles/success-lifestyles/time-amazing-creativity-approach-lifes-work/

It is a new month. We are into September, back to school, Labor Day, back to work after the summer — there are so many traditional markers this time of year. In fact, if you look at some of the stores you go to, they have Halloween candy out for sale already.

business ideasTraditions are good and they connect us to the past, to memories, experiences, family, and friends. Good times and maybe not so good, too.

Although our connections to the past and to traditions are good, they keep us stuck. COVID-19 keeps us stuck. The conversations and the narratives do not seem to change. Each day the news gets worse, there are more cases, tempers flare, and anxiety issues are up.

Yes, there are many of us going through the wringer right about now. Uncertainty about our businesses, our work, safety, the kids going to school… will the NFL season happen or not? Okay, maybe the NFL is not such a big issue in the big scheme of things.


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Getting Your Digital Life Organized With @Evernote

Sourced From: http://www.momeomagazine.com/getting-your-digital-life-organized-with-evernote/

Digital clutter is a problem. It didn’t use to be a problem because we never used to spend as much time online as we do now. But between the hours spent on social media and reading our favourite blogs or news sites, we tend to accumulate quite a bit of digital clutter in the form of open browser tabs, bookmarked pages, and saved articles and links.

EvernoteIf you are like me, the system you use to track the interesting articles you’d like to read later is to either: a) bookmark it (and therefore, clutter up your web browser bookmarking feature making it utterly useless) or b) leave the aforementioned interesting article open in a tab (making your laptop hopelessly slow and your web browser almost impossible to navigate).

That’s why I FINALLY started using Evernote!

An early adopter to this digital organizer I am not, but an enthusiastic one, I definitely am! For the 3 people on the internet who haven’t heard of Evernote, it’s basically a digital clipping tool that lets you save all that digital clutter in an organized manner.


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How to Travel Full Time With Your Family!

Sourced From: https://modernwahm.com/how-to-travel-full-time/

Do you ever wake up and forget where you are for a moment? That happens to me often because I’m always waking up in new places!

Hey, I’m Megan, and my family of six has been travelling full-time for the past two years. We work remotely, homeschool (or “road school”) our kids, and explore a new city every month!

Nope, we’re not “travel influencers”, and we sure aren’t rich. But we discovered how any regular family can afford to travel full-time, and today I’m sharing our secrets with you!


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The Rich DO Get Richer, Because of This…

Sourced From: http://homeofficewomen.com/2017/02/23/the-rich-do-get-richer-because-of-this/

Two nights ago, my son told me he was stressed about his upcoming history test… the first in term 1 of 2017. With loving eyes like any other mom, I smiled at him and said, ” you can do this, son.”

The Rich DO Get RicherThen these questions popped into my head…

Did you enjoy science class in school? Did you hate science class in school?

Either way, you’ll probably remember Isaac Newton’s theory:

“A body in motion tends to remain in motion, and a body at rest tends to remain at rest unless acted on by an external force.”


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