How to Podcast from Home

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Podcasting from home provides your brand and business with lots of unique opportunities. Since social distancing and quarantining have both been going on for a while now, and COVID-19 looks as if it will stick around for a bit, the attraction of podcasting is even more substantial.

podcastBut why even podcast at all? A podcast can easily be shared across a wide stream of platforms, from different people. It’s super easy for people to listen to, with iTunes, Spotify among the ways for people to hear your podcast. It’s an easy way to build influence, and listeners tend to become hard-core fans who want to talk about you and your business or brand.

Plus, it’s a lot more fun then it may seem to be. Sure, the idea of coming up with things to talk about for thirty or sixty minutes may at first seem a little bit on the daunting side. But you’ll be surprised by just how much content there is about your business, your passion, random thoughts, business tips, or things about your personal life that you feel like you want to share or talk about. Plus, it is an excellent way to build connections, and gain visibility.


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Top Fitness Affiliate Programs

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This week’s niche is focused on getting physically fit! If you have not started any fitness programs yet, you’re not alone (LOL). But if you are an affiliate marketer and you are looking for a new website to create and promote, then it’s about time you check out the top fitness affiliate programs we have for you here.

fitnessLet’s start by visiting sample websites to get an idea of how to succeed in this particular niche. Like this site, Nerd Fitness. I love the overall look and feel of the site as it clearly spells P-O-S-I-T-I-V-I-T-Y! This site is very well targeted at people who want to get fit and motivated all the time.

Another example of a fitness site is body+soul, which is more generalized than the previous one. This site tackles a variety of health and wellness topics. Nonetheless, it has a dedicated page for fitness topics. Additionally, what I love about this site is the overall magazine-like aesthetic. It appeals to me, which makes sense because the content and layout are geared towards women.


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The Rich DO Get Richer, Because of This…

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Two nights ago, my son told me he was stressed about his upcoming history test… the first in term 1 of 2017. With loving eyes like any other mom, I smiled at him and said, ” you can do this, son.”

The Rich DO Get RicherThen these questions popped into my head…

Did you enjoy science class in school? Did you hate science class in school?

Either way, you’ll probably remember Isaac Newton’s theory:

“A body in motion tends to remain in motion, and a body at rest tends to remain at rest unless acted on by an external force.”


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Thinking of Starting Your Own Business? Here’s Why You Should

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There are many reason people choose to start a business, ranging from the necessity to a passionate desire to create something from nothing. No reason is more valid than another. It really comes down to your own personal story and how you choose to navigate your path.

start own businessSome of the most successful entrepreneurs are the ones who were forced into it by circumstance and through sheer force of will made it happen (because there was literally no other choice). Conversely, the desire to create something wonderful for the world sometimes isn’t enough to ensure the success of a new venture.

Success or failure aside, let’s focus on this post on the reasons why you should start your own business.


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Affiliate Marketing for Beginners: How to Make Your First Affiliate Marketing Sale in 7 Steps

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The lure of affiliate marketing is undeniable; who can resist passive income?

But to make that passive income happen, you have got to put in some work first.

To succeed in affiliate marketing, there are a number of crucial steps you must take before you earn that first affiliate profits. And these steps are, well … not passive.

The good news is that if you’re determined to make this work and are willing to put in the time and effort, you’re already well on your way to affiliate marketing success.


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Why Publish On Kindle? – My Top Five Reasons

There’s been a great deal of talk about Kindle recently, so I decided to check it out and make a list of the benefits of publishing on Kindle. My first question was, “Why do it?” Long story short, there are many reasons, I have listed my top five here.

publish on kindle

1. Exposure.

By getting published on Amazon, you’re getting your name out there and you’re building credibility. Yes, even a $2.99 Kindle book makes you a published author in most people’s eyes.


2. List building.

It’s wonderfully easy to place your squeeze page URL or your website URL inside your books than you publish on Kindle, along with an offer for another free ebook just for joining your list. And these are quality prospects you’re adding to your list. After all, you know they’re interested in your topic, you know they like you (or they wouldn’t join your list after reading your book) and you know that they make purchases in your niche (after all, they bought your book, didn’t they?)


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Marketing On A Shoestring Budget

With these marketing on a shoestring budget tips, you can get more accomplished and grow your online business faster without spending a fortune.

Mind you – some may seem too simple. But years of trial and error have taught me that these methods flat out work at bringing about extraordinary results.

marketing on a shoestring budget 1. Have a Plan – So many new online marketers simply start working on something without knowing where they’re going or what they hope to achieve (other than making money.) I think this is why Internet Marketers tend to hop from one thing to the next and have trouble settling down. But if you simply take the time to write out your plan of action (what you’re going to do and how you’ll do it) in a step-by-step fashion, then you’ll have a guide that you can follow. It will save you so much time and money in the long run, and make things that much easier as well.


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