Article Writing
The Importance of Writing Articles For Marketing

The purpose of these articles is that they can be used to promote your website through the use of backlinks in the articles. Plus, it’s smart strategy for search engine optimization. These articles act as fingers pointing the way to your site and driving traffic there.
Every marketer knows that the more traffic a website receives, the higher the likelihood that sales will also increase. You can’t sell your products if the population isn’t made aware of what you have to offer to them.
If you were to simplify writing articles for marketing, it could be defined as advertising. That’s what article marketing does for you. Advertises your business – but it does it a lot cheaper than traditional methods ever could.
Content Advice from Ernest Hemingway

Content advice from Ernest Hemingway
- Use short sentences – Easier to read, easier to understand, easier to capture the interest of people with short attention spans.
- Use short first paragraphs – Today it would be advisable to make most if not all of your paragraphs short.
- Use vigorous English – Use active, energetic, bold words rather than a meek, passive voice. For example, “We’re breathlessly racing to the finish line” rather than “We’re on our way to the finish line.”
Steps To Quickly Writing Ezine Articles

I’ve found an answer to that dilemma that will get you writing in no time so that you can publish your ezine articles and begin to receive that new wave of subscribers you’ve been hoping for.
Here’s how to get over that “writer’s block” if you draw a blank:
1. Write your action steps first.
Forget about the catchy headline and attractive lead paragraph for now. There’s no use in cleverly leading a reader into an article that has no real value to them. So start where you build your credibility, right in the action steps.
Of course, you want to identify your subject and then tell them how to make their lives easier. For instance, plumbers are always going to have to fix pipes, it’s the nature of their business. If you have an ezine to others in the plumbing industry, write about a new technique in the industry on sealing pipes or preparing them for the winter, etc.