Why Publish On Kindle? – My Top Five Reasons

There’s been a great deal of talk about Kindle recently, so I decided to check it out and make a list of the benefits of publishing on Kindle. My first question was, “Why do it?” Long story short, there are many reasons, I have listed my top five here.

publish on kindle

1. Exposure.

By getting published on Amazon, you’re getting your name out there and you’re building credibility. Yes, even a $2.99 Kindle book makes you a published author in most people’s eyes.


2. List building.

It’s wonderfully easy to place your squeeze page URL or your website URL inside your books than you publish on Kindle, along with an offer for another free ebook just for joining your list. And these are quality prospects you’re adding to your list. After all, you know they’re interested in your topic, you know they like you (or they wouldn’t join your list after reading your book) and you know that they make purchases in your niche (after all, they bought your book, didn’t they?)

3. Short books work fine.

To publish a ‘real’ book, you need at least a hundred pages. And frankly, 200 pages somehow looks better, probably because the vast majority of ‘real’ books are 200 pages or more. But with an electronic book on Kindle, the length no longer matters. What’s important is that the content delivers on the promise of the book, and you can sometimes do that in as little as 10 – 20 pages.

4. Readers don’t even need a Kindle

to read your Kindle book because they can read it on their computer or other devices by downloading the free Kindle app. Thus, your pool of potential book buyers is everyone with access to Amazon and a way to pay for your book.

5. Money.

If you charge $2.99 or more for your Kindle book, Amazon will pay you 70% of the cover price. This means if you sell 1000 copies of a $2.99 book, you’ll earn over $2,000. Do this monthly and you’ve got a very nice recurring income for work you performed only once.

If you are interested in learning more about Kindle publishing and publishing books on Amazon I would like to recommend the Mastering Book Publishing program, with over 5,000 students enrolled.

The most interesting part is most of these people are generating a lot of money each and every month in a totally passive way!

Want to have a look and discover how YOU can start doing the same?

mastering book publishing

Listen, there are probably hundreds of different ways to make money online, but NOTHING comes close to the Mastering Book Publishing methodology.

It’s SO simple that even complete rookies are able to quickly and easily publish their books in the Kindle platform… and most importantly, make money even the SAME day they publish them!

It’s fast.

It’s easy.

…and VERY lucrative.

What else do you want?

The ground breaking Mastering Book Publishing contains over 30 step-by-step videos where you will learn absolutely EVERYTHING, from A to Z, so that you can create an unstoppable Kindle empire that will deposit MONEY into your bank account each and every month, 100% passive.

Last thing…

If you think that you need to be a writer in order to publish these Kindle books, well, forget about it.

In the Mastering Book Publishing course, you will discover how you can inexpensively outsource the writing for pennies on the dollar.

Trust me, if you want to finally start generating money the easy way, Kindle is the way to go.

And the Mastering Book Publishing program will provide you with the exact tools that you need in order to stop struggling and start seeing positive, profitable and real change in your life.

Why don’t you just click the link below and see with your own eyes the true “Kindle Revolution”?

mastering book publishing


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