Actually, no. It’s a common myth that the only things sold in December are tangible products. In fact, December can be a great time of year to market information products precisely because others are taking a break from marketing, thus your competition tends to be lower. Plus you’ve got to remember that not everyone participates in the holiday madness of shopping and parties, and even those who do will welcome a change of pace.
If you’re in the exercise niche, by all means encourage your prospects to get a jump on the New Year. By beginning their exercise regimen now, they can not only lose 5 pounds by this time January, they can also forgo that 5 pound weight gain that is all too common during the holidays, thus giving them a 10 pound head start.
If you’re in the dating niche, encourage people to find someone to be with during the holidays. If you’re in the relationship niche, remind your prospects of how stressful the holidays can be and offer them advice for strengthening rather than weakening their relationship this season.
If you’re in the IM niche, remind your prospects that a new year is coming and by getting a head start now, they can make the new year their best one ever.
Almost without exception, no matter what niche you’re in there is a way to spin it so that buying your products right now becomes the most sensible thing your prospects could do for themselves.
Which brings up one final selling point: Remind your customers to purchase a Christmas present just for themselves, one that can enrich their lives, because after all – they deserve it. And yes, that would be YOUR product. 🙂