What NOT To Name Your Website

What NOT To Name Your Website

What NOT To Name Your WebsiteIt’s come to my attention that not everyone is paying close attention when they choose a website name and URL. Remember, just because words make sense when there is a space in between each word does not necessarily mean they will make the same sense without those spaces. In fact, your original meaning can become completely lost, and what you’re left with is a sad misunderstanding at best or some really annoyed people who never click your link at worst.

Here are some examples, and yes, these are 100% REAL and online right now…

Adams Extract adamsextract.com

Who Represents whorepresents.com

Speed Of Art www.speedofart.com

Pen Island www.penisland.net

Go Tahoe www.gotahoe.com (Since changed to http://www.gotahoenorth.com – is that any better??)


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