Content Advice from Ernest Hemingway

Content Advice from Ernest Hemingway

Content Advice from Ernest HemingwayErnest Hemingway began his writing career as a reporter for the Kansas City Star. When we won a Nobel Prize years later, he credited his success at writing to what he learned from his cub reporter’s style book, namely:

Content advice from Ernest Hemingway

  1. Use short sentences – Easier to read, easier to understand, easier to capture the interest of people with short attention spans.
  1. Use short first paragraphs – Today it would be advisable to make most if not all of your paragraphs short.
  1. Use vigorous English – Use active, energetic, bold words rather than a meek, passive voice. For example, “We’re breathlessly racing to the finish line” rather than “We’re on our way to the finish line.”


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