How Much Should I Charge For My Photography Services?

Photography ServicesThe short answer is that “it varies.” Photography services vary depending on the professionalism, the services you offer, and the timeframe of the event you are taking photographs for.

If you are taking pictures for an hour, most people would expect you to charge an hourly rate, but it probably does not makes sense to do that.

Jim Harmer writes, “I am not suggesting that photographers should never quote a price. It’s nice for clients to know exactly what you’ll charge just by looking at your website; however, you can also lose a lot of money in potential business by being too forthcoming with your prices. This was the lesson I learned.”

Harmer explains that we should approach photography as a business, not as a hobby or an artsy side job. Instead, “If you’re going to be successful in your photography business, you need to be business-minded. The price of photography services is quite subjective, and many clients simply have no idea what hiring a photographer costs.”

Break it down for your clients by telling them exactly how much every aspect of your services will cost. How much will your work cost?
Rosh Sillars writes, “Now, add up all the days or hours you worked as a photographer last year. If you are under 50 days, I recommend using the number 50 and dividing your days/hour/project number into your total expenses. This is how much you need to charge (minimum) a day, hourly or per assignment for a successful business.

sell your photosPhotographers often ask how much I charge. I generally don’t charge hourly or offer day rates. I use the per-image pricing system. If you were to translate my average rate per day, it would be about $3,500 a day. If I’m forced to use day rates (because I want to work with an agency or on a cool project) my rate day rate is somewhere between $5,000-$7,000”

It sounds like a huge scary number, does not it?

But, you have to consider that the photography positions are not steady. You do not get to work on a daily basis. You would be lucky if you got a monthly series of jobs.

Sillars continues, “Generally when people want day rates, especially agencies, they want to work me really hard and take all the rights or unlimited usage of the images, so I factor that into the rate. Some photographers line item the photography usage and that is fine, too. No matter what you do, you should list the license or usage agreement in your contract or invoice.”

Sillars adds, “If you are too nervous about raising your rates, ask yourself why. If you offer a photography service like everyone else’s, you do have a problem. You need to separate yourself from the competition. You don’t want to be a photographic commodity. If you offer something special (and you do) people will pay for it.”
Trying to find the balance between finding the money to cover your expenses and making them affordable is the key here.

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