Social Media
The Benefits of Social Networking for Business
Social networking is an advertising method that uses social networks to build ones business presence on the internet. Although this new marketing idea is still in its first stages of development is here to stay.
It can be a very powerful tool to an internet business user if it is used correctly. There are quite a few benefits of social networking advertising but the more common ones will be listed here.
1. Cost
It is a lot cheaper for a business owner to advertise on social networks than paying for advertising. This is because social networks are free to join and interact with. This is a great benefit for those that are just starting out and do not have a lot of money to use for advertising. Also when you use social networks you can pre-screen potential customers and create a customer profile.
Using Social Media Marketing In Your Business

Use the questions and answer feature of LinkedIn. LinkedIn’s Q&A works like a large discussion forum: look up questions related to your products or industry and write useful answers to them. You could also post a link to one of your articles if you do not have time to write something.
While having various ads on social media sites, you should definitely have a few special deals for your business. This will give your potential buyers an incentive to click on your ad. By having specials on your ads, and only on these ads, the customers feel slightly more obligated to go there and see what your business has to offer.
Invest in ad space on Facebook or other websites. These ads are targeted towards users who have used certain keywords related to your business in their status updates. You should get a lot of targeted visitors who will learn about your products even if they do not decide to ‘like’ your page.
Using Pinterest to Market Your Small Business

First, invest in quality. This will always be true no matter what age it is. If a business has a quality product, it will generate interest. If the product is not good, there is very little that marketing can do to help it in the long term. This is even more true in a world with the internet. Bad reviews and news of product faults spreads much faster than good news, and count for much more. The 99 clients that walked away satisfied are not likely to say so, but the 1 customer who isn’t will complain and shape the perception of a business for the entire online community. Invest in the product first.
Is Social Media Gaining You New Customers?
More and more I’m seeing that there is a “trick” to social media, and it’s not to bombard people with a plethora of content. Rather, it’s to use specially crafted content designed to lure a customer in and get them at least one step closer to becoming your customer.
Have you ever gone fishing? What’s the secret to becoming a great fisherman or fisherwoman? It’s not blanketing the water with bait. Sure the fish will consume it, but if it’s got no hook, how are you going to reel them into the boat?
Instead, the secret lies in using the right bait on the right hook AND knowing what to do when you get the nibble – that is, setting the hook before the fish gets away.
So what’s your bait in social media? It’s helping the person to solve a problem. Think about this – you’ve got a problem and it’s causing you stress, perhaps making you lose money, lose sleep, or just plain irritate you. You don’t know what to do. You begin searching the Internet for answers, but nothing seems to fit until you run across a person on Facebook / LinkedIn / Twitter, etc. who claims to know something about your challenge. You provide a few details and ask him or her what to do and BOOM! They give you a solution that HOT-DIGGITY-DOG actually WORKS!